Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is one of Jade & Fountain PRC Lawyer's core practice areas. With substantial experiences and skills in legal proceedings, our lawyers in the dispute resolution department have represented many foreign and domestic clients in litigation and arbitration proceedings, as well as administrative proceedings before courts, arbitration tribunals and administrative agencies.

Jade & Fountain is qualified to practice in all courts in China and our lawyers represent clients at all stages of court proceedings including investigation, asset preservation, trial and hearing, appeal, enforcement of court judgment and etc. Jade & Fountain lawyers also regularly represent clients before arbitration institutions in China, as well as international arbitration tribunals.

Our services in this area include:

•  Advice on dispute resolution and avoidance schemes
•  Designing arbitration and litigation strategies
•  Investigation and asset preservation
•  Litigation
•  International and PRC domestic arbitration
•  Alternative dispute resolution
•  Enforcement through PRC courts
•  Administrative proceedings